ZOOM Webinar Setup Guide For Participants
To help you get the most of our forthcoming event, a user-friendly, a stress-free, concise guide for Zoom Webinar, shown below, has been created. The Zoom client will have different functions for various user groups:
- Host/Co-Host: will control the flow of the Zoom webinar by inviting speakers, conducting polls and so forth.
- Panelist Members: Will periodically be spotlighted on video during their event talks.
- Attendees: Will have the simplest Zoom interface controls and won't be on camera unless invited by the host/co-host for specific purposes such as Q&A sessions. Chat can be enabled and disabled for attendees as necessary by the host/co-host.
SCPS Zoom Webinar Host/Co-host controls
During the event, the host will be able to use his/her unique Zoom hosting features to enable various features during the webinar. The chart below provides a quick overview which can be skimmed through by general panelists and attendees.
Ask panelist to start video
Promote attendee to panelist
Demote from panelist to attendee
Change who the attendees can chat with
Assign Co-host Permission
Invite others to join webinar